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Legend (Redding_Trails)

Road Names (0)
Street Address (1)
Boundary (2)
Cultural Resource Sites (3)
Prehistoric Prehistoric
1700s 1700s
1800s 1800s
1900s 1900s
Railroad (7)
Major Highways (8)
TeleAtlas Road Centerline (9)
Roads (10)
Sanitary Manholes (12)
Storm Catchbasin (13)
Utility Point (14)
Sanitary Lines (15)
Storm Lines (16)
Rock Lot and Scott Preserve (18)
Bypass (B) Bypass (B)
Connector (B) Connector (B)
Cross Trail (B) Cross Trail (B)
Great Oak Spur (B) Great Oak Spur (B)
Lincoln Selleck (B) Lincoln Selleck (B)
Duncan Munro (W) Duncan Munro (W)
Joan's Trail (W) Joan's Trail (W)
Brinckeroff Preserve (19)
Blue Trail (B) Blue Trail (B)
Ensor's Trace (W) Ensor's Trace (W)
Ensor's Trace Den (W) Ensor's Trace Den (W)
Ross Ramble (W) Ross Ramble (W)
Limekiln Natural Area (20)
B = Blue / W = White B = Blue / W = White
Accessway (B) Accessway (B)
Bald Rock Bald Rock
Big Trees (B) Big Trees (B)
Boulder Trail (B) Boulder Trail (B)
Gneiss Trail (W) Gneiss Trail (W)
Split Rock Trail (W) Split Rock Trail (W)
The Crossover (B) The Crossover (B)
The Knoll Trail (W) The Knoll Trail (W)
The Lariat (B) The Lariat (B)
Todd's Wood (B) Todd's Wood (B)
Putnam Memorial State Park (21)
Putnam Memorial Trail Putnam Memorial Trail
Putnam Memorial Museum Trail Putnam Memorial Museum Trail
Unmarked Trail Unmarked Trail
Huntington State Park (22)
Blue Trail Blue Trail
Green Trail Green Trail
No Blaze Trail No Blaze Trail
Red Trail Red Trail
White Trail White Trail
Huntington Ridge Trail Huntington Ridge Trail
CFPA Blue-Blazed Trails (23)
Aspetuck Valley Trail Aspetuck Valley Trail
NRVT Proposed (24)
Saugatuck Falls Natural Area (25)
B = Blue / W = White B = Blue / W = White
Access Rd Access Rd
AccessibleTrail AccessibleTrail
Burn Trail (W) Burn Trail (W)
Cut Off (B) Cut Off (B)
Falls Trail (W) Falls Trail (W)
Hardwood Trail (B) Hardwood Trail (B)
Hemlock Trail (W) Hemlock Trail (W)
Knapp Way (W) Knapp Way (W)
Oak Trail (B) Oak Trail (B)
Old Field (B) Old Field (B)
Power Line Trail Power Line Trail
Wall Trail (B) Wall Trail (B)
Dam (27)
Cultural Features (28)
Cemetery Cemetery
Library Library
Life-Care Life-Care
Museum Museum
Recreation Recreation
Religious Religious
School School
LandUse Planning (29)
Residential Single Family Residential Single Family
Residential Multi Family Residential Multi Family
Institutional-Developed Institutional-Developed
Institutional-Undeveloped Institutional-Undeveloped
Recreational Recreational
Commercial Commercial
Mixed Use Village Developed Mixed Use Village Developed
Light Industry & Corporate Office Light Industry & Corporate Office
Utility Services Utility Services
Open Space Public Open Space Public
Open Space Private Open Space Private
Private Conservation Private Conservation
Centennial Watershed State Forest Centennial Watershed State Forest
Water Body Water Body
Vacant, Private Vacant, Private
Fences And Walls (34)
Tax Map Outline (35)
Parcels (36)
Easements (37)
Contours 1 (40)
100 ft 100 ft
Contours 2 (41)
100 ft 100 ft
50 ft 50 ft
Contours 3 (42)
50 ft 50 ft
10 ft 10 ft
Contours 4 (43)
10 ft 10 ft
2 ft 2 ft
Topography Slopes 0-5 (44)
0% to 5% 0% to 5%
Topography Slopes 5-10 (45)
5% to 10% 5% to 10%
Topography Slopes 10-15 (46)
10% to 15% 10% to 15%
Topography Slopes 15-20 (47)
15% to 20% 15% to 20%
Topography Slopes 20-25 (48)
20% to 25% 20% to 25%
Topography Slopes 25 + (49)
25% or Greater 25% or Greater
Prehistoric Sensitivity Areas (50)
Chicken's Reservation (51)
DEP Hydro Line (53)
Basin Boundary (54)
Major Major
Regional Regional
Subregional Subregional
Local Local
Stream Reach Stream Reach
Lake Impoundment Lake Impoundment
Stream Diversion Stream Diversion
Water Diversion Water Diversion
State Boundary State Boundary
Shoreline Shoreline
DEP Hydro Poly (55)
Basin Polygon (56)
Wet Areas (57)
Scenic Areas (61)
FEMA Riverine Cross Section (62)
FEMA Base Flood Elevation (63)
Parks Open View (64)
Public Public
FEMA Flood Zone (65)
100 Year Flood - A 100 Year Flood - A
100 Year Flood - AE 100 Year Flood - AE
500 Year Flood - X 500 Year Flood - X
Floodway in Zone AE Floodway in Zone AE
CT Wetland Soils (66)
102 Pootatuck fine sandy loam 102 Pootatuck fine sandy loam
103 Rippowam fine sandy loam 103 Rippowam fine sandy loam
108 Saco silt loam 108 Saco silt loam
12 Raypol silt loam 12 Raypol silt loam
13 Walpole sandy loam 13 Walpole sandy loam
15 Scarboro muck 15 Scarboro muck
17 Timakwa and Natchaug soils 17 Timakwa and Natchaug soils
18 Catden and Freetown soils 18 Catden and Freetown soils
2 Ridgebury fine sandy loam 2 Ridgebury fine sandy loam
3 Ridgebury, Leicester, and Whitman soils, extremely stony 3 Ridgebury, Leicester, and Whitman soils, extremely stony
W Water W Water
Natural Diversity Database Area (67)
Open Space (68)
Public Public
Private Private
Centennial Watershed State Forest Centennial Watershed State Forest
Principal Lands for Conservation Protection Principal Lands for Conservation Protection
Redding Site Specific Wetlands (69)
Buildings (71)
Buildings Rep (72)
Building Shadow Building Shadow
Soils (74)
Farmland Soils (75)
Prime Farmland Soils Prime Farmland Soils
Statewide Important Farmland Soils Statewide Important Farmland Soils
Locally Important Farmland Soils Locally Important Farmland Soils
Hydric Soils (76)
Inland Wetland Soils (77)
Soil Parent Material (78)
Soil Potential for Subsurface Sewage Disposal (79)
Soil Flooding Class (80)
Soil Drainage Class (81)
Ground Water Quality Well (83)
Area of Contribution to Public Supply Well Area of Contribution to Public Supply Well
Ground Water Quality (84)
GA, GAA May be impaired GA, GAA May be impaired
Surface Water Quality Line (86)
B, B* B, B*
Surface Water Quality (87)
B, B* B, B*
Surrounding Town Streets (89)
Surrounding Towns (90)
2004 BW Orthophoto (91)
High : 182 High : 182
Low : 0 Low : 0
2006 Town Orthophoto (92)
Red: Band_1 Red: Band_1
Green: Band_2 Green: Band_2
Blue: Band_3 Blue: Band_3
2008 Town Orthophoto (93)
Red: Band_1 Red: Band_1
Green: Band_2 Green: Band_2
Blue: Band_3 Blue: Band_3
2015 Town Orthophoto (94)
Red: Band_1 Red: Band_1
Green: Band_2 Green: Band_2
Blue: Band_3 Blue: Band_3
drape (95)
ReddingCTHillshade.tif (96)
High : 254 High : 254
Low : 0 Low : 0